I keep reading bloggers who say content marketing is not for small business.
It takes too much time and effort.
If owners or managers are not on board with a plan, it will never work.
That there’s too much hype on this very topic… content marketing, that is.
Yadda, yadda, yadda…
It does take time and effort.
The client has to be on board.
And, yes, there’s a ton of hype, but so what.
If you’re a designer or marketer working with small clients and you go in with this attitude, how in the world are you going to help them create a website built on great content?
Basically a clear, cohesive, and magnetic online presence that’s a mix of valuable and engaging content, keyword optimization, and consistent story done right.
If your focus is only on design and copywriting, you are missing out.
So, how does a small business get started with content marketing?
And more importantly… why does your small business need a content marketing plan?
Well, let’s start with my list. A list that says building an online presence—the right way—will change everything…
4 Big Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs Content Marketing Now
1. Content Marketing will Redefine Your Business.
You will discover new and amazing things that could shift direction, bring new services, or help you find new clients.
To start the content marketing process I recommend asking questions. But I think you should keep asking questions and never stop. Ask questions of employees, partners, and current and former clients. And when you talk to these people, think about the following…
- What does your audience really care about? The more you dig, the more these important questions will come to the fore.
- Who in your organization has their own story?
- What keeps your customers awake at night? What is hindering their progress? What is their pain?
- What other services could you offer to advance them further?
- Is there something truly unique about your organization?
- How can you humanize your brand?
Keep thinking like your ideal customer. Keep going back to what type of questions they will ask.
Once you dig in and do the work, you’ll soon have an arsenal that will help you…
Build a sustainable marketing plan.
Have something to say on social media, and…
You’ll start to create the foundational content needed for a practice like blogging.
This foundation, something I like to call “blog soup” will do the following …
Make it easier to craft laser-focused copy that tells a story, about your company, your employees, your partners, and your clients. And you’ll have a growing repository of content ideas. It will change your business for the better.
2. Content Marketing Will Help You Find Your Ideal Clients
And as you ask questions like…
a. What was your biggest fear before hiring our company?
b. Did it come true, and if not, what happened instead?
c. What would be your top 1-3 questions before you would start another job with us?
…you see your content—and ideal customers—come into focus.
In fact, these initial steps will give you clear direction on the content marketing you will produce—blog posts, white papers, video, etc. And once you have an arsenal of questions at your disposal you can easily create a content library geared towards your ideal clients.
Blog post after blog post filled with valuable information, and written for those clients you covet, both clarifies your message and becomes a magnet for those who need your services.
3. Content Marketing Will Improve Your Search Engine Ranking.
Many bloggers tell you to focus on long-tail keywords and I agree.
This forces you to focus on crafting keyword rich phrases written the way prospects search for products or services.
I don’t want to try and reinvent the wheel here, so I’ll point you to this post by Marcus Sheridan, he’s the best at explaining this. Look at Point #3 in this post.
If you start to craft long-tail phrases built on those beautiful answers (from step #1 above), you’ll soon have an epic list of topics built on the keywords potential clients are looking for…
Asking questions and focusing on these keyword-rich phrases will help you build content that both people and search engines will love.
Most clients know they have to put a few keywords in their site, but they don’t realize how ineffective this can be. But if you take the approach of the content marketer and build keyword-rich phrases—based on your research and answers—you’ll have ideas and content for your blog, your brand, and any ongoing marketing.
4. Content Marketing Will Create Renewed Excitement Around Your Brand.
As a branding guy, I love the power of content done right, and here’s why…
If you decide you want to blog, start asking the right questions, keep asking questions, work to build up a library of topics based on research and questions, you will soon have laser-focused content that will help you…
- Craft a website that is truly built for the customers you serve and are looking to work with.
- Revise current branding so it’s more inline with what you actually do.
- Craft cohesive and magnetic content across all media, from print to social.
- And build PR around your brand, because you have the language to connect with influencers and media, and tell them exactly what you do.
And most importantly, your customers will soon know everything about you!
Interested in learning more about my branding process? Sign up for my email list below.
The post 4 Big Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs Content Marketing Now appeared first on McBreen Media.