Here’s a fact: People buy from those they trust.
And for trust to develop they must get to know and like you.
If you can’t meet them every day for coffee, how on God’s green earth will they come to like you?
Easy: A consistent, helpful, honest story makes you likable and trustworthy.
In a nutshell: engaging and value-infused writing crafted from your core branding, and written for your ideal customer.
The audience that might come to love you and buy from you.
Now you might say the following: “But Craig, I’m in business. I don’t write. I know nothing about crafting a story. And I have no idea where to start.
So, how, oh how do I construct a consistent, engaging narrative that does what it’s supposed to do… bring in business?”
Well first, study these three rules, because…
If You Want to Find Customers Online, You Must Master These 3 Rules
1. Rule #1: You Can Crush the Competition by Weaving a Better Tale (One Based on a Problem).
What do you remember? Stories. A great story stays with you. Funny, heartfelt, honest… story sticks.
But you’re online, have a business and want someone to buy from you.
You have zero time to craft an epic tome.
Well, you’re not trying to win the pulitzer. All you need is a consistent, engaging narrative, told with honesty and filled with value.
Stop writing about your widgets, instead focus on one person in your audience and the problem you are going to solve for them.
Your potential client is on a journey, to solve a problem.
And because of this, your content should be crafted to guide them and help them solve their problem.
You’re helping them solve a big, fat, nagging problem, and your content should reflect that.
And while doing so, you create a bond and you stay top of mind.
Top of mind is good, because it earns you the right to sell.
Plus most of your competition isn’t even reading a blog like this… yet! All the more reason to get started.
2. Rule #2: Build A Story Around Said Problem.
Their pain is your foundation.
Motivate. Teach. Inspire.
Instruct them on how to outsmart the competition, realize their potential, or simply grow their business.
Every time you hit the keyboard, focus on their long-term success.
3. Rule #3: Always Treat a Member of Your Audience (read: potential client) Like a Rockstar.
And publish content that helps them on their way.
You should worship these people. Your audience. Your potential clients.
You do want them to love you, come back to you, and tell all their friends about you, right?
Of course you do.
Well, start treating your ideal customers like idols.
To Review, Let’s Go Back To Rule #1:
You can crush the competition by weaving a better tale.
This doesn’t mean rambling on about your company. No, you do this with…
Your customer wants to be charmed; slowly, honestly, and without being pushy.
Remember. You need them to trust you.
Trust takes time. It also requires sincerity and you offering something worthwhile in return.
Love thy customer and they will love you back.
What will be your foundation? (A granite-like foundation built on helpful content).
These words also keep your brand humming, and the added benefit: Google will love you more.
Work hard to craft helpful, actionable, in-depth content.
Stop playing marketer and become a teacher.
If you look at what I wrote above and start treating your ideal customer like a hero, this becomes easier, really.
Dive deep into their world, get to know them and their problems, and position yourself as their instructor.
This mindset makes it easier to frame their issues. An ongoing practice that helps you help them.
The added benefit? You hone your writing, improve your services, and grow your business.
Great relationships take time. And subtle nuances and course corrections strengthen that relationship.
It requires dedication, reciprocation, and transparency. Otherwise, things grow sour because of distrust, frustration and neglect.
If you want your clients to love you, you must be in it for the long-haul.
To Review, Let’s Go Back To Rule #2:
How do you build a story around your audience’s problem?
What is their pain point? How can you extinguish their #1 problem? Is there something they fear?
Your job as a content marketing machine is to discover these issues and solve them or teach your ideal client how to fix them.
Chances are more than a few of your readers have a problem that is not being solved correctly by the other guy. (This makes your job a little easier).
A well-crafted storyline, something told over time, is how you do the above. How can you do this?
Pay Attention:
I mean… Really. Pay. Attention.
What are the 10, 20, 30+ biggest questions your audience has? Have you even asked your clients or potential clients these questions?
If you have a blog, do you base future content decisions on comments?
Are you saving their emails to see if a pattern develops?
Listen. Refine. Repeat.
Walk a Mile in Their Shoes:
In other words, be the customer. I’ll hit on this point for the 101st time… make sure most of your posts are dialed into their world and how you can make it better.
They’ll soon realize you’re fully aware of their pain and are the one to cure their ills.
As you play customer, your content gets better, your customer’s world improves, and wait for it… your business grows.
Proudly proclaim your expertise:
Yes, we love a little honesty and those who admit to failure. This is only human, but all I’m saying is to have a little confidence.
If you have a skill and can use said skill to help others, you’re an expert.
Pay attention to your audience, keep learning, and proudly display your knowledge to the world.
So how does this help your storyline?
You immerse yourself in their world, discover what ails them and gladly assist them in eradicating the beast. Easy, right?
Listen more, guess less and hone that delivery.
To Review, Let’s Go Back To Rule #3:
Why You Should Treat Potential Customers Like The Idols They Are.
If you do this it will slowly transform your world by bringing sweet salvation to theirs’.
They are the hero:
Remember the movie, “The Matrix?” It’s a modern incarnation of the “Hero’s Journey.” This is a tried and true formula: A simple (yet familiar) story told on a grand scale (Neo’s journey from nobody to hero).
But the essence of “The Matrix” is about Neo’s journey.
And this little “journey” formula is how you should approach your writing.
Neo is the movie’s champion.
The storyline is his journey, from zero to hero.
And guess what? Your prospect is Neo.
You’re the guide:
But you, my friend are Morpheus. Remember, he’s the guy who offers Neo either a blue pill—so he can continue living in an illusory world—or a red pill—to enter reality.
You are the teacher.
Meaning this isn’t about you, but your customer. You’re the graybeard who shows them the way.
Find a problem, build a story around it, then be the guide.
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The post Want to Find Customers Online? You Must Master These 3 Rules appeared first on McBreen Media.